The Forum

The Forum: STLCC's Florissant Valley Student Newspaper

Publishing since 1973, The Forum has served as the Flo Valley campus' student-run newspaper for over 50 years. The paper has become a cornerstone of student life on campus, being operated by student workers and volunteers in collaboration with campus faculty. The Forum provides real-world experience in journalism to STLCC students, allowing students to write and publish information for their community while, coincidentally, building a portfolio and career in news media.

As a newspaper, The Forum is dedicated to serving the people of Florissant Valley, St. Louis Community College, and the region. The staff of the paper believes in the accountability of the individual as well as the whole. We also believe in the importance of accuracy in our stories and strive to be as accurate as possible in everything we publish. It is our desire to fulfill the purpose for which we exist, namely to be a credible, objective, and accessible source of information and entertainment for students, faculty, and staff of our campus.

Working With The Forum

The Forum is always accepting writers, reporters, photographers, and students of any skill who are interested in contributing to the newspaper.

Staff meetings are held weekly in SC 224, located in the Florissant Valley Student Center, during fall and spring semesters.

Contact Faculty Advisor Mary Horner at if you are interested in working with The Forum. 

Letters to the Editor can be sent to our official email,, or directly to the student editor's email,